Wholeistc Life

Holistic living isn't green juices and yoga everyday. A wholeistic lifestyle is more sustainable and keeps life fluid. I strive to live life where I am right now with knowledge that I am growing. I am striving to make sustainable choices that I can take with me. Some days that look like yoga, minimal phone time, nature, and whole foods; other days it looks like barely getting my ass out of bed in time to throw on clothes and go to work (lucky if I brush my teeth). 

It is not a black and white picture. There is so much gray within that space of living a healthy lifestyle. We can get so caught up in where we want to go, that we don't look at where we are right now and how we can make strides in the direction we want to be. Just like you don't have to be a level 3 yogi to take a class, you don't have to have all the answers to start. If your big goal is to get to the gym five days a week, let's look at the big picture, can you even get out of bed in the morning? No? Cool, let's start there. Allowing ourselves the grace to just BE, will open so much more space for other things to flow. 

This “flow” state is really a magical place to be. It suddenly feels like things fall into place without much trouble, if a challenge comes up, you are able to fix it, and opportunities are around every corner. If you have ever experienced this, you know what I mean. Surrounding ourselves with people and projects that help take us into the flow state is one of the most beneficial things we can do. Cutting out the bullshit friends and time suckers that do nothing besides take up valuable time and space. You could be filling that time with love, laughter, rest, and creation that shows up in so many more places. We really are in a personal energy crisis, the time in a day is finite, but the energy we have is not. Choose where you spend it. This starts with awareness and understanding.. I challenge you to look at that for yourself.

One of the things that I have been told a lot is that I am too loud, too much, too expressive, too emotional.. You get the idea. I believed that for so long and it took away my power and my energy. I let words, words from others, dictate my own story. After attending the Owaken Breathwork event in LA a few weeks ago, I was empowered to again take back my voice. I AM loud, I AM a lot, but holy shit I am powerful. I am learning to love the gray and understand where my energy is filtering to. I am learning. I do not have it mastered. I still spread myself too thin, say “yes” when I should have said “no”, squeeze everything I can into one day, again you get the idea.. But I am understanding and slowing down to listen and be..

Don't let the folks you see on Instagram or any social media dictate how you live or express your existence. We have no clue how long we'll be here, so screw it, be loud as hell, take up all the damn space you need, dive headfirst into the gray areas, and for fucksake, enjoy the life you've got! There's absolutely no rule saying you can't change from one day to the next. Let that wild transformation take you to places you never thought your crazy self could go. Be the unapologetic badass you were born to be, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Unveiling Our Purpose: The Heart and Mission of The Art of Wellness


Hyper Sensitive Person